
Usage of the crm_fit script
crm_fit -h

usage: crm_fit [-h] [-i ITERATION] [-w WORKERS] [-d DATA]
            [-o OUTPUT_FOLDER] [--skip-profiles] [--skip-masks]
            [--skip-param-space] [--skip-distributions]

Fits the Bacterial Rods model to a system of cells.

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-i, --iteration ITERATION
                        Use existing output folder instead of
                        creating new one
-w, --workers WORKERS
                        Number of threads
-d, --data DATA       Directory containing initial and final
                        snapshots with masks.
-o, --output-folder OUTPUT_FOLDER
                        Folder to store all output in. If left
                        unspecified, the output folder will be
                        generated via OUTPUT_FOLDER='./out/crm_fit/
                        POTENTIAL_TYPE/ITERATION/' where ITERATION
                        is the next number larger than any already
                        existing one and POTENTIAL_TYPE is obtained
                        from the settings.toml file
--skip-profiles       Skips Plotting of profiles for parameters
--skip-masks          Skips Plotting of masks and microscopic
--skip-param-space    Skips visualization of parameter space
--skip-distributions  Skips plotting of distributions
class Parameter


class Parameters


class Optimization


class Constants

Contains all constants of the numerical simulation

class Settings

Contains all settings required to fit the model to images