
Layouts #

Layouts modify mostly shapes and spacings between boxes. Similarly to themes, their purpose is cosmetic. A layout, just like a theme, is a dictionary.

layout = (
    "spacing": length relative,
    "body-size": length,
    "heading-size": length,
    "title-size": length,
    "subtitle-size": length,
    "authors-size": length,
    "keywords-size": length,

All default values assume an a0 layout. You can easily change this by using the set-layout function below.

ArgumentTypeDefault ValueDescription
spacinglength relative1.2emSpacing between boxes when stretching box.
body-sizelength33ptSize of the body.
heading-sizelength50ptSize of the heading.
title-sizelength75ptSize of the title.
subtitle-sizelength60ptSize of the subtitle.
authors-sizelength50ptSize of the authors.
keywords-sizelength40ptSize of the keywords.

Updating a Layout #


All arguments coincide with the values of the ones of layout shown above.

Setting a new Layout #

    layout: dictionary,

Example Layouts #

Default #

#let -default-layout = (
    "spacing": 1.2em,

A0 #

#let layout-a0 = -default-layout + (
    "paper":            "a0",
    "size":             (841mm, 1188mm),
    "body-size":        33pt,
    "heading-size":     50pt,
    "title-size":       75pt,
    "subtitle-size":    60pt,
    "authors-size":     50pt,
    "keywords-size":    40pt,

A1 #

#let layout-a1 = -default-layout + (
    "paper":            "a1",
    "size":             (594mm, 841mm),
    "body-size":        27pt,
    "heading-size":     41pt,
    "title-size":       61pt,
    "subtitle-size":    49pt,
    "authors-size":     41pt,
    "keywords-size":    33pt,

A2 #

#let layout-a2 = -default-layout + (
    "paper":            "a2",
    "size":             (420mm, 594mm),
    "body-size":        20pt,
    "heading-size":     31pt,
    "title-size":       47pt,
    "subtitle-size":    38pt,
    "authors-size":     31pt,
    "keywords-size":    25pt,

A3 #

#let layout-a3 = -default-layout + (
    "paper":            "a3",
    "size":             (297mm, 420mm),
    "body-size":        14pt,
    "heading-size":     22pt,
    "title-size":       32pt,
    "subtitle-size":    26pt,
    "authors-size":     22pt,
    "keywords-size":    18pt,

A4 #

#let layout-a4 = -default-layout + (
    "paper":            "a4",
    "size":             (210mm, 297mm),
    "body-size":        8pt,
    "heading-size":     12pt,
    "title-size":       18pt,
    "subtitle-size":    15pt,
    "authors-size":     12pt,
    "keywords-size":    10pt,