
Overview #

piece of cake
peace of mind
peace of posters

peace-of-posters allows to create simple but elegant posters. It does not make any assumptions about layout (eg. 2/3 column), size of the poster (eg. a0, a1) or orientation. Its main functionality is provided by a handful of functions that create boxes with optional titles. There are specific functions for defining title boxes and bottom boxes. It provides predefined themes which can be adjusted to customize the design of the boxes.

To find out what you can do today with peace-of-posters, have a look at the showcased examples.

Example #

We begin by importing the peace-of-posters package

// We begin by importing the `peace-of-posters` package
#import "../../../../lib.typ": *

Next, we specify some general settings formatting settings.

// Next, we specify some general settings formatting settings.
#set page("a0", margin: 1cm)
#set text(font: "Arial", size:"body-size"))

#let box-spacing = 1.2em
#set columns(gutter: box-spacing)
#set block(spacing: box-spacing)
#update-poster-layout(spacing: box-spacing)

After that we choose a predefined theme.

// After that we choose a predefined theme.

We can adjust any property of the theme via the update_theme method of the themes module. The poster consists of multiple boxes which can be adjusted by specifying column layouts. peace-of-posters provideds some predefiend methods for creating a title-box, regular column-boxes in between, a bottom box and bibliography to finish it of.

// `peace-of-posters` provideds some predefiend methods for creating a title-box, regular column-boxes in between, a bottom box and bibliography to finish it of.
    subtitle: [Scientific Posters for any Occasion],
    authors: [Jonas Pleyer#super("1")],
    institutes: [#super("1")Freiburg Center for Data-Analysis and Modelling],
    keywords: [Science, Poster, Typesetting, `typst`],

#columns(2, [
        heading: [Left Column],
        Multi-Column layouts are supported out of the box by typsts `columns()` method.


        stretch-to-next: true,
        We can also choose to not have a title for our boxes.

    We can update the layout of the boxes in the middle of the document.

#common-box(heading: [only heading])

#columns(2, [
        heading: [Stretching],
        stretch-to-next: true
        And stretch boxes to the next lowest box (or bottom of the page)

    Align them to the bottom.

Final Result #